What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a condition of the human eye where the optic nerve (the one that carries signals from the eye to the brain) gets damaged due to excessive pressure inside your eye. Since the optic nerve is the primary carrier of visual stimulus to the brain, damage to it could actually result in significant loss of vision. Glaucoma generally affects both the eyes, although the pressure inside each eye could be different.
Glaucoma - what are the symptoms?
Typically, there are no early symptoms associated with Glaucoma. However, it is always safe to have your eyes checked annually to make sure they are healthy. For all you know, glaucoma might silently creep into your life without your slightest knowledge. To add up to the mess, total vision loss might just be around the corner, if glaucoma is left untreated. And this is exactly why every time you go to an ophthalmologist, he/she would check the pressure inside your eyes to make sure, you are not affected by Glaucoma. However, most Glaucoma patients visit a doctor due to one or more of the following symptoms: 1. Frequent changes of glasses 2. Blurred or foggy vision 3. Rainbow colored rings around lights (seeing halos) 4. Loss of side vision 5. Redness of the eyes
Is Prevention even possible?
There’s actually nothing you can do to prevent Glaucoma. However, with early detection, you could reduce the impact on the optic nerve, as the damage once done is irreversible. The best way to tackle this disease is through regular eye check ups. The normal range is around 10-20 mmHg. If your readings show a variation, further tests to gauge your field of vision and imaging to assess the damage to your optic nerve will be carried out.
Glaucoma-Get treated, before it’s too late
Glaucoma can be treated with external medication or surgery. The medication generally involves the usage of eye drops to reduce the secretion of the fluid (aqueous humor). A surgery helps to open up the blocks in the drainage pipe to enable the outflow of the fluid. This can be performed by a procedure called Trabeculectomy (TRAB) or using LASER. We’re sure, you now have a fair idea of what Glaucoma is all about and the way it could impact your life. Please feel free to contact us if you’d like to take a second opinion on your condition or undergo treatment for glaucoma.